照片中的GVSU, 2024年2月:黑人历史月庆祝活动,湖人队 silhouettes and music, theater and dance performances

Left: Cassonya Carter is a senior academic advisor for the Kirkhof College of Nursing. Carter will soon celebrate her 30th year of service at Grand Valley. Right: Brittlyn Keller takes a few minutes for herself 然后回到哈斯表演中心学习 Arts February 7. Keller, a music education major, said she's lucky to have all her classes in her favorite building on campus. "I spend all of my time in this building," she said. "This is the spot. It's just so great."
Image credit - Left: Amanda Pitts, Right: Kendra Stanley-Mills
A college student is reflected in a mirror as she paints.
Molly Tank在考尔德艺术中心的工作室里作画 oil paintings for her senior show coming up in March. "Nature is my big inspiration, being from Up North." she said. Tank, of Traverse City, is a BFA major with a minor in environmental sustainability studies.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 A city skyline is reflected in a glass storefront.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A couple snuggles in a teal hammock while laughing together.
乔舒亚·约翰逊和达西·斯泰利一起在植物园的吊床上,天气异常温暖, record-breaking February 27th. 这两个人是在GVSU的课堂上认识的,当时他们正在庆祝结婚四个月.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
一名队友安慰大山谷男子一级联赛的高级前锋 Hockey Club, Shane Haggerty, after losing against rival Davenport University in the first round of playoffs at their home ice arena, Griff's Georgetown, on February 15.
Image credit - Macayla Cramer
埃文·雷恩和安德鲁·雷恩(莎拉和约翰·雷恩的儿子)看着他们的爷爷托马斯·J·雷恩. 哈斯在2月24日举行的篮球场命名仪式上发表讲话.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 一位戴着蓝色拍子的大学校长,以一位前大学校长的名字命名的篮球场, pictured holding hands with his wife, is unveiled.
Grand Valley celebrated the legacy of President Emeritus Thomas J. 2月24日,他出席了以他的名字命名的乔治亚州立大学体育馆篮球场的仪式. “我很感激能被召唤到这所大学,与这么多优秀的人一起服务, 我们所有现在和过去的学生以及所有校友都在以更好的方式改变着世界." Haas said.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
2月23日,一名学生在德沃斯跨专业中心学习 Health overlooking Finkelstein Hall on the Health Campus.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
A row of college students work intently on their computers.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 Two children laugh together in an elementary school classroom.
山谷景小学亚斯明·阿莱马耶胡(Yasmin Alemayehu)班上的学生在做作业时大笑. Alemayehu正在巴特克里克公立学校做ESL小学实习.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 A black and white photo of a college campus.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
新乐团成员李维·史密斯的剪影出现在弗雷德里克·梅杰花园的温室前 & 雕塑公园在“乌托邦:音乐和舞蹈环境体验”2月25日.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
来自大峡谷新音乐团和舞蹈团的学生欢迎游客来到弗雷德里克·梅杰花园 & 雕塑公园的表演灵感来自艺术家Jaume Plensa的雕塑“乌托邦”. The sculpture is in the Garden Pavilion in the Welcome Center.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
College dancers perform a modern dance routine wearing all white.
GVSU舞蹈团的艾米丽·谢伊(左)和朱利安·麦肯齐(右)在帮忙 舞蹈演员莱娜·斯坦顿(中间)在表演中摔倒在地.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
左图:大四杰瑞德·霍根最喜欢的戏剧《博天堂官方》的第8场, 从每个人都在唱“生日快乐”到人们慢慢敞开心扉谈论他们的创伤. 根据达芙妮·杜穆里埃的短篇小说改编(也是希区柯克电影的基础), 《博天堂官方》近距离展示了社会崩溃时的人际关系. 右图:2月5日,一个人走下Au Sable大厅的楼梯.
Image credit - Left: Lauren Seymour, Right: Kendra Stanley-Mills
A person uses loppers to prune a tree.
场地维护专家和认证树艺师埃文·哈特曼, 在进行年度维护时,他正在修剪一棵美国冬青树 in the Arboretum on the Allendale Campus February 5.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
在大峡谷第二届全国三重奏日庆祝活动2月22日, participants attended breakout sessions, 听了一群高中生和大学生的演讲,还开了一个舞会.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
The Cook Carillon Tower is silhouetted against a cloudy sunrise February 13.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 Two college students high-five during a quiz bowl challenge.
Image credit - Lauren Seymour
A person sits at a table smiling with others.
Student T4 scholars and community mentors are paired together for networking and career discussions at the Build What We Dream event February 23.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

